Technology-facilitated gender-based violence (TFGBV) is gaining significant attention from the international community as an increasingly pervasive and concerning form of gender-ba...
Analizând progresele înregistrate până în prezent, autorii cercetării și-au propus să evalueze și modul în care sunt tratați agresorii, abordând în primul rând lacunele și deficien...
These infographics present the first preliminary results of the Population and Housing Census 2024 published by the National Bureau of Statistics during an official event organized...
This analytical report was prepared at the request of the Government of the Republic of Moldova, under Government Decision No. 284/2024, to address rapid demographic changes throug...
This newsletter reflects the activity of the UNFPA Moldova Office during the month of January 2024.
Situation Report
An analysis of key indicators of the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) of adolescents and young people in the Republic of Moldova shows a lack of clear improvement trends in rec...
Fact Sheet
In 2023, UNFPA piloted the EduLIFE School Program in four general education institutions: a friendly environment, access to health education, and menstrual hygiene products. This c...
The Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) is the first and most comprehensive longitudinal demographic study monitoring demographic changes taking place in the Republic of Moldova. T...
The Active and Healthy Ageing Program for 2023-2027 (hereinafter – the Program) is a medium-term public policy document describing the objectives and actions to be undertake...