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Youth Index 2015


Policy Brief

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What do I need to do after an abnormal result of Pap test?


The majority of cervical smear results are normal, but some are not. If you have had an abnormal result, it simply means that some abnormal cervical cells have been found on your cervical smear. These are the main recommendations to follow. 

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Human Papilloma Virus and Cervical Cancer


Cancer can grow in your cervix the same way that it can grow in other parts of your body. Cervical cancer can be caused by 15 high-risk types of the Human Papilloma Virus or HPV. 

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Cervical screening

Cervical screening


Cervical Screening 

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The Peer Education Toolkit


Y-PEER Moldova

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What is Y-PEER Moldova?


Peer Educators Network

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State of the World Population 2016

State of the World Population 2016

State of World Population Report

At the dawn of the Agenda 2030 era, as we have embarked on implementing the Sustainable Development Goals, our success will in many ways depend on whether we are able to unleash the potential of the generation of girls, who are 10 years old today. The dreams and aspirations of the girls featured in the State of World Population 2016 report, serve as a powerful call to action for governments, civil society and the international community, for teachers, health workers and parents, to create the conditions necessary for girls to thrive.


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10: How our common future in Eastern Europe and Central Asia depends on a girl at this pivotal age

State of World Population Report

Regional portraits and facts supplementing UNFPA’s State of World Population 2016.

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Assessment report of the National strategic programme on demographic security of the Republic of Moldova 2011–2025


The Assessment Report of the National Strategic Programme on Demographic Security 2011 – 2025 is developed by a team of National Consultants under the overall leadership of the National Commission on Population and Development with technical guidelines of the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family and UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund, and financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. The assessment offers all relevant stakeholders an opportunity to rethink and correct curse the policy response to the key demographic challenges in Moldova.

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