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Prinde aripi. Set Free: UNFPA Moldova Launches Awareness and Social Mobilization Campaign Against Sexual Violence

calendar_today 25 April 2023


Prinde aripi. Set Free: UNFPA Moldova Launches Awareness and Social Mobilization Campaign Against Sexual Violence

On the eve of Denim Day, the World Day of Solidarity with Victims of Sexual Violence, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Moldova, a partner in the implementation of…

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Opinion: Population anxieties must not lead to denial of women’s rights and bodily autonomy

calendar_today 19 April 2023


Opinion: Population anxieties must not lead to denial of women’s rights and bodily autonomy

In November 2022, the human population surpassed 8 billion people. At the same time, two thirds of people on the planet already lived in places where fertility rates had fallen…

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Un raport global UNFPA oferă exemplul Moldovei la capitolul politici demografice care susțin femeile să aibă numărul dorit de copii

calendar_today 19 April 2023


Un raport global UNFPA oferă exemplul Moldovei la capitolul politici demografice care susțin femeile să aibă numărul dorit de copii

Noile date arată un nivel înalt de îngrijorare cu privire la schimbările demografice, iar guvernele adoptă tot mai multe politici menite să contribuie fie la creşterea, reducerea…

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Statement by UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem on World Health Day 2023

calendar_today 07 April 2023


Statement by UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem on World Health Day 2023

Every two minutes, a woman dies giving birth. As the clock counts down another year, 287,000 more women will meet the same tragic fate.  Most of these deaths are preventable…

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UNFPA helps young people master life skills, in addition to the job they are learning

calendar_today 03 April 2023


UNFPA helps young people master life skills, in addition to the job they are learning

For 3 days, 75 students from 12 colleges and centers of excellence in the country participated in the General Assembly of the Peer to Peer Educators Network, under the guidance of…

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Emotions of joy for new mothers in Moldova: UNFPA donates mother kits, useful while traveling

calendar_today 28 March 2023


Emotions of joy for new mothers in Moldova: UNFPA donates mother kits, useful while traveling

United Nations Population Fund continues to support hospitals and new mothers in Moldova. This week, UNFPA distributed mother kits in several hospitals of the country, with the…

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Telegram channel provides a lifeline to refugee mothers in Moldova

calendar_today 22 March 2023


Telegram channel provides a lifeline to refugee mothers in Moldova

"I want to help because I am a refugee and a mother myself,” said Anastasia Chernenkaya, 33. Anastasia fled Odesa and arrived in Moldova in February. At the beginning of March,…

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Moldovan parents informed about new family friendly policies

calendar_today 21 March 2023

Press Release

Moldovan parents informed about new family friendly policies

36 districts and municipalities, 41 information meetings, 2000 thousand people physically informed and dozen of thousands informed online about the rights parents with children…

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UNFPA and the US Government had made a huge contribution to improving the conditions in moldovan maternity hospitals

calendar_today 13 March 2023


UNFPA and the US Government had made a huge contribution to improving the conditions in moldovan maternity hospitals

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), with the financial support of the US Government, continues to strengthen the capacity of the healthcare system of the Republic of…

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