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UNFPA/MDA/RFQ/2025/007 - Production of visibility materials for the Global Symposium on Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE)

UNFPA/MDA/RFQ/2025/007 - Production of visibility materials for the Global Symposium on Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE)


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UNFPA/MDA/RFQ/2025/007 - Production of visibility materials for the Global  Symposium on Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE)

UNFPA Moldova CO is looking to contract a company for printing visibility and promotion materials for the event: Global Symposium on Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), scheduled to take place on 2-4 April 2025 in Moldova. These materials are intended for distribution and use by participants and partners at the event.

Prices indicated in the Price Quote should include associated delivery charges, Items: 14,15,17 shouldinclude installation and uninstall services as per RFQ description.
Please submit your quotation in MDL (local suppliers) or USD (international suppliers) currency. Conversion of currency into the UNFPA preferred currency, if the offer is quoted differently from what is required, shall be based only on UN Operational Exchange Rate (https://treasury.un.org/operationalrates/OperationalRates.php) at the competition deadline date.
Indicated Prices should be exclusive of VAT, customs duties and other taxes.

Email for submission of offers: tender.mda@unfpa.org

Deadline for Submission: 12 February 2025, 16:30 (Moldova Local Time, GMT +3)