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Cervical Cancer Prevention Week celebrated for the 10th consecutive year in the Republic of Moldova

Cervical Cancer Prevention Week  celebrated for the 10th consecutive year in the Republic of Moldova

Press Release

Cervical Cancer Prevention Week celebrated for the 10th consecutive year in the Republic of Moldova

calendar_today 17 January 2022

Today we launch the Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, event organized in the Republic Moldova for the tenth consecutive year. On this occasion, health authorities, national and international partners encourage women aged 25-61 years to stay healthy and make an appointment with their family doctor for a preventive cytology test.

This year’s edition is focused on important achievements obtained over the last ten years in the fight against cervical cancer.

„The Assessment of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices on cervical cancer prevention” conducted in 2020 showed that the knowledge of women aged 25 – 61 years about cytology test increased from 47 % in 2018 up to 62% in 2020, and the share of women that did the prevention test doubled.

In addition to informing and changing women’s behavior, important results in the health system have been achieved in the last decade, such as the establishment of strategically important medical institutions - Cervical Screening Implementation Coordination Unit and the National Reference Center in Colposcopy. At the same time, medical specialists were trained and the cytology laboratories were endowed with performant equipment.

„For ten years we are fighting for the health of women in the Republic of Moldova. During all these years we have not been alone in our struggle, and have been supported by many partners. I would like to thank the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova, international organizations - especially UNFPA and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, civil society, the private sector, influencers and journalists, medical institutions, young volunteers and all those who have joined efforts to eliminate cervical cancer. We are different, but we fight for the same cause, to save the lives of our women”, says the head of the Cervical Screening Implementation Coordination Unit, Diana Valuța.

Cervical cancer can be 80% prevented by vaccination against the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) in adolescence and the cytology test, performed every three years, during the period 25-61 years, free of charge at the family doctor.

During the Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, organized between January 17-23, several public information and awareness actions will be carried out, in order to call on women to perform a regular prevention cytological test to maintain their health. Cervical cancer prevention messages will be promoted by the Government of the Republic of Moldova, the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, Chisinau City Hall, Ambassadors and international organizations, medical and public institutions, Youth Centers, Health Centers in the Youth Klinic network, opinion leaders , influencers, private sector, etc.

National campaign “Stay healthy. Do the PAP test” and the Cervical Cancer Prevention Week are organized by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova, Cervical Screening Implementation Coordination Unit, in partnership with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and other partners.

More information on: www.paptest.md

Contact information:

Cervical Screening Implementation Coordination Unit: Tel. 022-781-106;

Information and communication with mass media, Ministry of Health: Tel. 022-268-811;