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Communication Consultant - National Agency for Programs Development and Youth Work

Communication Consultant - National Agency for Programs Development and Youth Work

Chisinau, Republic of Moldova



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UNFPA Moldova is hiring Communication Consultant to support communication and visibility of the National Agency for Programs Development and Youth Work


Hiring Office: UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund, Moldova Country Office.

UNFPA is the leading UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe, and every young person's potential is fulfilled. UNFPA expands the possibilities for women and youth to lead healthy and productive lives. Concerning human rights and gender equality, UNFPA focuses on mainstreaming human rights and gender equality in sexual and reproductive health programming, as well as in strengthening national systems for advancing sexual and reproductive rights, promoting gender equality and non-discrimination, and addressing gender-based violence.



UNFPA is one of the pioneering agencies in working with young people and has contributed to shaping the youth space within the UN system. Through the Strategic Plan 2022-2025 and the UNFPA’s Strategy on Youth, known as My Body, My Life, My World, UNFPA supports global, regional and national youth networks and organizations in advancing youth development issues, human rights, humanitarian action and peacebuilding efforts.

Adolescents and youth policy underpinned by enabling laws, youth participation, leadership, and accountability are at the core of UNFPA’s mandate and the three transformative results. Sexual and reproductive health and rights are integral to adolescents' and young people’s transition into adulthood. Decisions about these are closely tied to their education, employment, sustainable livelihood, and participation in decision-making processes.

In Moldova, the UNFPA country office has a strong focus on Adolescents and Youth Empowerment and a separate relevant output as part of the UNFPA Moldova Country Programme 2023 – 2027 to achieve this scope: Strengthened national capacity and policy in the youth and education sectors to empower adolescent girls and youth through life-skills development and participatory civic engagement for advancing human rights, bodily autonomy, and gender equality.

During the last years, UNFPA has strongly supported the Ministry of Education and Research to improve the quality of life skills and comprehensive sexuality education in general education and vocational education and training, to create youth-friendly learning environment in schools settings, to build the capacity of Youth Centers in programmes delivery and expand the network geographically, to increase capacity of local public authorities in designing and developing results-oriented youth programmes and budgets, to support young people in their civic engagement, participation and implementing youth initiatives in their communities.

Starting with 2022, UNFPA closely collaborates with the National Agency for Programs Development and Youth Work (hereinafter National Youth Agency) within the  Joint Fund for youth empowerment and development of Youth Centers in the Republic of Moldova supported by the Ministry of Education and Research, National Youth Agency, Government of Switzerland and United National Population Fund.

In the context of this partnership UNFPA Moldova will:

  1. Provide methodological support, and technical assistance related to strategic planning and program management for National Agency for Youth Programs Development and Youth Work and Youth Centers aiming to expand and strengthen their institutional capacities for effective coordination and implementation of youth programs.
  2. Support in coordination with National Agency for Youth Programs Development and Youth Work strengthening collaboration between schools and Youth Centres through a series of joint activities focused on youth civic engagement, mobile youth work participation and leadership in the selected communities.
  3. Support the Ministry of Education and Research, National Agency for Youth Programs Development and Youth Work and LPAs to develop and make use of reliable age and gender-disaggregated data on civic engagement of young people including in health, education, employment, social inclusion, risky behaviour, participation in decision-making to build resilient communities.
  4. Coordination with National Agency for Youth Programs Development and Youth Work will support the capacities building of the youth workers community from the Youth Centres Network in youth programs/services provision through continuous professional development, self-reflection activities, learning and exchange experiences networking, and study visits between youth workers.

All these interventions have specific communication activities that require relevant expertise to ensure that the messages are well communicated and presented to the public in a user-friendly way.


Purpose and scope of consultancy: (Description of services, activities, or outputs)

This consultancy aims to support National Youth Agency to communicate on Agency programs, results and ensure visibility of the institution. 

This will also include, contributing through communication to the partnership with key stakeholders.

The Individual Consultant will contribute to the organization of communication activities and public events. Also, the IC will plan and carry out campaigns to promote the National Youth Agency's activities and programmes and will be responsible for coordinating communication activities and the development of communication products related to the ongoing programmes in alignment with the deliverables added below.

In this regard, the Communication Consultant is expected to undertake the following tasks: 

  1. Develop the Agency’s communication action plan based on the Agency programs and priorities;
  2. Ensure the development, coordination, and implementation of the Agency’s communication action plan;
  3. Draft, post and ensure regular updates on the Agency social media channels short posts, press releases, human stories, and other relevant communication products upon request and related to current activities;
  4. Analyze and apply innovative ways/new ideas to communicate about programs and results – actively lead and contribute to the development of video concepts, infographics, different other media products, suggest ideas of social media/outdoor campaigns, etc.
  5. Liaise and work directly with the selected suppliers (designer on branding and design of the different visibility materials, photograph, etc.) for the provision of communication goods and services for the Agency;
  6. Cooperate, assist, and coordinate with the Agency team and partners the implementation of communication activities related to the general plan of activities and programmes. Ensure proper visibility of all partners as per the corporate agreements;
  7. Facilitate media appearances on TV, written media channels and Radio channels in order to promote Youth Agency’s programs and contribute to development of the TP and key messages to be voiced;
  8. Travel in the field to reflect the activities carried out and identify human stories relevant to the Agency’s programs and activities;
  9. Prepare communication events concept notes and related to these budgets, support with procurement of communication activities and events, and provide administrative and logistics support;
  10. Monthly report in English submitted to UNFPA. The report should reflect at minimum: progress made for each deliverable; number of days at rate submitted for payment for each deliverable; challenges that occurred while executing the tasks; links from the visual, media products, SM posts, etc. developed as per the ToR; follow up action to be undertaken for the next period.


Duration and working schedule:

The Communication Consultant will perform the work within the period from 1 July – 31 December 2023. 

The volume of consultancy has been estimated as for 3 days per week. Payment will be done on a monthly basis, based on the number of working days and monthly report submitted by IC.


Place where services are to be delivered:

The Individual Consultant will work part time at the at the Agency's offices and remote.


Delivery dates and how work will be delivered (e.g. electronic, hard copy etc.):

All the deliverables should be consulted with the National Youth Agency management and when related with UNFPA Programme Analyst on Youth and UNFPA Communication Specialist on Youth Portofolio. Deliverables will be included in the monthly report, based on which the payment will be performed.


Monitoring and progress control, including reporting requirements, periodicity format and deadline:

The monitoring will be ensured through regular information on progress via e-mail, phone calls, on line calls, in person meetings.

The format of narrative activity reports to be submitted, will be agreed with UNFPA Moldova.


Supervisory arrangements:

The contracted Individual Consultant will work under the overall guidance and will report primary to  the UNFPA Moldova Programme Manager on Youth Participation, and secondly to Communication Specialist on Youth Programmes in close coordination with Director of the National Youth Agency.


Expected travel:

Individual Consultant will be required to have in-country travels. All cost related to travels will be covered by the UNFPA.


Required expertise, qualifications and competencies, including language requirements:

The UNFPA Moldova Country Office is looking for an Individual Consultant who has the following educational background, qualifications and expertise:

  • Master degree in communications, journalism, public relations, social policies, or other related field;
  • University degree with 2 additional years of relevant experience can be accepted in lieu of Master degree;
  • Up to 2 (two) years of relevant experience in the field of communication, journalism, and public relations;
  • Experience in managing the communication activities of development projects, preferably on social issues; 
  • Experience in communication within governmental intuition would be a strong advantage;
  • Experience in working as communication person on issues such as youth, gender equality, and life skills development would be a strong advantage;
  • Good understanding and experience in using innovative media tools, including social media, blogs, vlogs, or any other innovative tools;
  • Fluency in Romanian and English is required. Knowledge of one or more additional languages relevant to the Republic of Moldova, including Russian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, or sign language, would be an asset.


Inputs / services to be provided by UNFPA or implementing partner (e.g support services, office space, equipment), if applicable:

The National Youth Agency and UNFPA Moldova will provide to the Individual Consultant, information and materials for the fulfillment of tasks, as needed. The consultant will use its own laptop/computer.


Selection process:

One suitable potential candidate will be selected through an open call in line with UNFPA Policy and Procedures for Contracting Individual Consultants.


Basis of payment:

Payment will be done monthly, subject to timely submission of deliverables stipulated in the current Terms of Reference, in the agreed format and due quality, and certification by the UNFPA Moldova appointed staff of the successful performance of the Individual National Consultant and approval of the monthly activity report.

The payment will be done as a lump sum for all deliverables and is established based on the requirements included in this Terms of Reference and expertise of the National Consultant, in alignment with UNFPA Policy and Procedures for Contracting Individual Consultants. 

Payment will be done in 6 instalments, upon approval by UNFPA of the progress reports and deliverables as follows: 

  • 1st instalment – upon submission and approval of progress report for July 2023, by August 5, 2023. 
  • 2nd instalment – upon submission and approval of progress report for August 2023, by September 5, 2023. 
  • 3rd instalment – upon submission and approval of progress report for September  2023, by October 5, 2023. 
  • 4th instalment – upon submission and approval of progress report for October 2023, by November 5, 2023. 
  • 5th instalment – upon submission and approval of progress report for November 2023, by December 23, 2023. 
  • 6th instalment – upon submission and approval of progress report for December 2023, by December 29, 2023. 


How to apply:

Please send a CV and a motivation letter (max 1 page) at jobs.moldova@unfpa.org


Deadline: 16 June 2023