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Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

 Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

Access to family planning services and modern methods of contraception

Women and men in Moldova have the right to decide if, when, and how many children to have, but not all are empowered to do that. Only 39% of women of reproductive age use modern methods of contraceptives. Limited access to all ranges of modern methods leads many times to unplanned pregnancies, and health and social vulnerabilities. UNFPA strongly believes in pregnancies by choice, not by chance, which has multiple effects on a woman’s life, and, therefore, works to ensure universal access to quality family planning services and modern contraception methods through high quality policy advice and systems strengthening efforts. 

Saving women from cervical cancer

Despite being an easily preventable disease through HPV vaccination and regular screening, every two-three days a woman in Moldova dies of cervical cancer. The most affected are women of reproductive age, 35-45 years old, who at the productive age in their lives could suffer consequences of cervical cancer, that is preventable with early detection, information and care seeking behavior. UNFPA works to eliminate cervical cancer by strengthening the prevention services and encouraging women to adopt a healthcare-seeking behavior, contributing to protection of their health.    

Protecting people from HIV

Adults and young people are at increased risk of HIV in the Republic of Moldova, still facing barriers in accessing quality information and prevention services in order to protect their health and wellbeing. UNFPA strives to ensure universal access to HIV prevention services, through capacity building programs of service providers - healthcare workers and NGOs staff.          

Empowering persons with disabilities

Evidence shows that women and young people with disabilities in Moldova are often viewed as dependent, in need of care and asexual, and are facing numerous barriers to exercising their sexual and reproductive rights. UNFPA’s programs work to ensure that women, adolescents, young people and marginalized groups, including persons with disabilities, are empowered to make decisions regarding their sexual and reproductive health and rights and able to live free of discrimination and violence. Our focus is on building strong alliances and partnerships to support the equal rights and choices, raising wider awareness and strengthening service provisions and building skills to ensure disability inclusion. 

Strengthening humanitarian preparedness and response

Moldova is a country vulnerable to various natural adverse phenomena, such as floods, droughts, landslides, earthquakes, and epidemics due to high population migration rates. The country has still insufficient preparedness of national institutions to respond to the sexual and reproductive health needs of the population in case of any crisis. UNFPA works to strengthen preparedness and response capacities in case of extraordinary situations, humanitarian crisis, and public health emergencies. 

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