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UNFPA/MDA/RFQ/2025/009 - Supply of sewing machines and accessories

UNFPA/MDA/RFQ/2025/009 - Supply of sewing machines and accessories


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UNFPA/MDA/RFQ/2025/009 - Supply of sewing machines and accessories

The objective of the RFQ is to identify a supplier who can provide UNFPA with all the above-mentioned products as well as their proper installation at existing premise. The selected vendor is expected to provide such products, based on specific Purchase Orders submitted to the vendor.

Please submit your quotation in MDL (local suppliers) or USD (international suppliers) currency. Conversion of currency into the UNFPA preferred currency, if the offer is quoted differently from what is required, shall be based only on UN Operational Exchange Rate (https://treasury.un.org/operationalrates/OperationalRates.php) at the competition deadline date. Indicated Prices should be exclusive of VAT, customs duties and other taxes.

Please submit your offers to:  tender.mda@unfpa.org

Deadline: 21 February 2024 16:30 (Moldova Local Time, GMT +3)