UNFPA solicits a quotation for the following service: Develop a training module on HIV prevention for truck drivers, based on ILO standards and training materials on HIV prevention, and to promote its integration into the transport sector training centers curricula as detailed in ToR of this RFQ below.
Deadlinefor sumbmission of quotations: 22 September 2016, 23:59 (GMT+2:00)
Quotations shall be submitted in English or Romanian and shall be marked with the note: “RFQ No. 2016 / 006 UNFPA – Develop a training module on HIV prevention for truck drivers”.
When preparing your proposal, please be guided by the RFQ document, attached hereto.
Offers can be submitted electronically to the following e-mail address: office@unfpa.md
Ms. Diana Selaru, UNFPA Administrative and Finance Associate
E-mail: selaru@unfpa.org
Supporting documents:
RFQ 2016 006 UNFPA Training Truck Drivers.pdf
Price Quotation Form RFQ 2016 006.docx
Annex I General Conditions of Contract De Minimis Contract.pdf
ToR_Training_curricula_for_truck driversHIVprevention_Ro.pdf