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Thematic area


Essential Services Package for Women and Girls Subject to Violence

Core Elements and Quality Guidelines

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The Peer Education Toolkit

Y-PEER Moldova

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What is Y-PEER Moldova?

Peer Educators Network

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State of World Population Report

10: How our common future in Eastern Europe and Central Asia depends on a girl at this pivotal age

Regional portraits and facts supplementing UNFPA’s State of World Population 2016. ...

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State of World Population Report

State of the World Population 2016

At the dawn of the Agenda 2030 era, as we have embarked on implementing the Sustainable Development Goals, our success will in many ways depend on whether we are able to unleash th...

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Assessment report of the National strategic programme on demographic security of the Republic of Moldova 2011–2025

The Assessment Report of the National Strategic Programme on Demographic Security 2011 – 2025 is developed by a team of National Consultants under the overall leadership of t...

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Population and Development Policy Priorities in Moldova

The draft Concept Vision for Population and Development Policy Priorities in Moldova sets the strategic actions of the Government as a response to the actual demographic trends in ...

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Population Situation Analysis

Population Situation Analysis (PSA) aims to inform relevant institutions and the society about the key challenges in population dynamics, presenting arguments and a frame of refere...

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