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UNFPA helps roma youth gain life skills

UNFPA helps roma youth gain life skills

UNFPA helps roma youth gain life skills

calendar_today 04 April 2015

What does domestic violence mean, how to respect oneself, which are the sexually transmitted diseases-here are some issues which 15 roma young people from Moldova discussed during a seminar of peer educators, held in Vadul lui Voda, in June. During 5 days, the participants had a chance to study intensely and spend differently their holiday.

Youth aged between 12 and 18, who gathered from all corners of Moldova, got used very fast to each other. At the end of the seminar, they all made friends for life. When I visited them in Vadul lui Voda, they had the session of sexual education and I could notice the way some of them covered their eyes or they were ashamed of some sensitive topics. Step by step, they got used to and became curious to find many things, asking the trainers in the field of reproductive health, Simion Sirbu, many questions.

Sahib Imaberdiev was the most active participant out of other children from the room. It is not amazing because he is the most skilled out in the group. He is 18 and he is from Soroca; he learns to be a cook and dreams to live in Chisinau. "I am impressed by the capital. I would like to live here", he told me in our discussion. Surrounded by his colleagues, both Sahib and other young people shared their experience; they told this seminar is extremely useful and interesting for them. For example, Sahib, thought he didn't know initially what subjects will be taught, when he heard about Vadul lui Voda, he didn't think much to accept or not. "Now I am very happy, I came. As soon as I return home, I will do my best to apply the gained experience and help my friends". "How exactly?", l asked Sahib. "I know someone, who is a victim in the family and I want to help him. It is about a teenager aged 15, whose parents left abroad to work. He lives together with his grandmother, who doesn't allow him go anywhere, talk on the phone and isolates him from friends. During this seminar, I found out, it is not good and such behaviour can be regarded as abuse or psychological violence that is why he needs help. I will go to the policeman and I will tell him about this case, I will try to take him to a teacher and to a family doctor, because the boy is afraid to go there by himself. The boy should be helped at present, when his personality is formed, because if he gets used to this way, he will behave the same with his children", told Sahib.

Similar stories, I found out from other young people. All of them were convinced that after they were trained by peer educators, they will return to the community and will try to help other people. They will tell people about the risks of the sexual life, about the possibilities to avoid an unwanted pregnancy, about the behaviour of the victim in case of violence or rape and many other things. But the most important fact is that they will keep in touch and will be good friends for the entire life and together they will succeed to do more.


Sahib Imaberdiev, 18 years old, Soroca:
"The most important fact for me is that I got to know my colleagues in the training. We are united and we will remain good friends for life. As well, I found out many new things about violence, reproductive health, and correct use of condoms. We learned to entertain ourselves and it is a wonderful opportunity to spend our holidays."


Iulia Danu, 15 years old, Parcani, Calarasi:
"I have heard many things related to reproductive health, but I never saw images. At the training, I had the possibility to get such information. One day, we had to paint the male and female sexual organs. We laughed to tears, it was funny, but at the same time educational. We found out different types of violence, and I am going to explain them to other friends from the village. In such a way, I will spend my holiday efficiently. I will get ready for the start of a new school year and will participate in other summer camps. I like to be an active peer educator".

Cocarcea Elena, 14 years old, Stejareni, Straseni:

" It is a very interesting training. I learned useful things about violence in the family, self respect, male and female sexual organs. I have already discussed with my mother about it. She is my best friend and will never betray me. In the training, I had the possibility to find out details about the things, I knew already, ask questions and find out the opinions of other young people and their concerns. Immediately, as I return home, I will share the information I know with all interested persons."

Artiom Petrascu, 14 years old, Nisporeni:
"I live together with my grandmother and my elder sister, because my parents are abroad and come rarely home. The participation in such training is very important for me, because I could discuss things I had none to discuss with until present. Last time, when my father came home, I had a "men to men" discussion, and he told me to be careful and protect myself, but I was shy to discuss with him about it. I learn from TV and friends, but it is not always complete and correct. In the training, we were explained clearly about such notions like the sexually transmitted diseases, changes related to puberty, current types of communication, types of rape and others. That is why I am very happy to attend this training and gain such an experience".

This seminar for peer educators in the Roma communities was held in the framework of the project "Promotion of the access to main services, human security and social inclusion of the vulnerable groups from the Republic of Moldova". This project is funded by the Government of Romania and is part of the Annual Working Plan of UNFPA for 2009

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