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"Partnerships for Strong Communities" event held to enhance community engagement in promoting gender equality in Moldova

"Partnerships for Strong Communities" event held to enhance community engagement in promoting gender equality in Moldova


"Partnerships for Strong Communities" event held to enhance community engagement in promoting gender equality in Moldova

calendar_today 04 October 2024

Evenimentul reprezintă o platformă importantă pentru construirea unor rețele sustenabile, asigurând schimbul de cunoștințe și implicarea actorilor din diferite raioane în cadrul etapei a doua a programului EU4GenderEquality.
The event serves as an important platform for building sustainable networks, ensuring the exchange of knowledge and the involvement of actors from different districts within the second phase of the EU4GenderEquality program.

UNFPA and UN Women, with funding from the European Union, hosted the networking event "Partnerships for Strong Communities" as part of the second phase of the programme “EU4Gender Equality: Together against gender stereotypes and gender-based violence." The event united over 40 participants, including partner organisations selected under the programme, public authorities, beneficiaries and media representatives, to enhance community engagement in promoting gender equality and challenging gender stereotypes.

EU4GE event

During the event’s opening, H.E. Jānis Mažeiks, Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova, emphasised the European Union’s commitment to advancing gender equality and promoting inclusive societies by engaging communities as a powerful driver of change. “The European Union’s support extends to initiatives like this, which focus on changing perceptions and behaviors at the community level,” he said. “But this work cannot be done alone. It requires partnerships – between governments, civil society, youth, fathers, faith leaders and the entire community. Through local engagement, we can ensure that change not only happens but lasts.”

EU4GE event

Karina Nersesyan, UNFPA Moldova’s Country Representative, issued a powerful call to action, urging men to engage as equal partners in change. She also highlighted the need to educate boys, girls, adolescents and youth from an early age and beyond about gender equality and combating gender stereotypes. "Men who embrace equality aren't just doing the right thing," Nersesyan asserted. "They become beacons of hope, illuminating the path towards a world where the lives of women and girls are profoundly improved.

EU4GE event

Dominika Stojanoska, UN Women Moldova’s Country Representative, highlighted the importance of advancing gender equality. “By working together with various local stakeholders, we can promote lasting changes in harmful attitudes and perceptions, which unfortunately still disproportionately affect women and their ability to exercise their political, economic and social rights,” she told the participants. “Such collective actions to promote gender equality and prevent violence against women are essential for ensuring the sustainable development of our economies.”

EU4GE event

Participants engaged in interactive discussions on topics such as raising community awareness, working with youth and fathers, empowering women with disabilities and collaborating with religious leaders to overcome gender stereotypes, promote positive social norms and prevent or address gender-based violence.

EU4GE event

Given setbacks in Moldova's "Perceptions and Stereotypes" indicator, as highlighted by the 2024 Gender Equality Index, such events are crucial for raising awareness and mobilising representatives from communities to combat gender stereotypes. The "EU4GenderEquality" programme continues its efforts to promote equal rights and opportunities for women and men in Moldova. Led by UN Women and UNFPA, the initiative is leveraging the expertise of four organisations: Institutum Virtutes Civilis, Motivație, the Diaconia Social Mission of the Metropolis of Bessarabia and the Child Rights Information Center. Now in its second phase, which will last until June 2026, the programme focuses on five regions: Orhei, Ialoveni, Ștefan Vodă, Căușeni, Fălești and the municipality of Chisinau.

EU4GE event

During the programme’s first phase, which took place from 1 March 2020 to 30 June 2023, residents of Strășeni, Fălești and other regions took part in the "It can be done differently. Without stereotypes!" campaign to engage communities in combatting gender stereotypes and gender-based violence.

EU4GE event

For more information about the #EU4GenderEquality programme and upcoming activities, please contact us at chisca@unfpa.org and viorica.culeac@unwomen.org.