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Ion Caciula, teacher: Cooperation between the School and Youth Centers offers endless development opportunities for young people, making them free and creative

Ion Caciula, teacher: Cooperation between the School and Youth Centers offers endless development opportunities for young people, making them free and creative


Ion Caciula, teacher: Cooperation between the School and Youth Centers offers endless development opportunities for young people, making them free and creative

calendar_today 14 March 2024

Ion Caciula, Profesor: Colaborarea dintre Școală și Centrele de tineret oferă posibilități infinite pentru dezvoltarea tinerilor
Ion Caciula, Profesor: Colaborarea dintre Școală și Centrele de tineret oferă posibilități infinite pentru dezvoltarea tinerilor, aceștia devenind liberi și creativi

"If you don't like something, find a way to change it". It is one of the encouraging tips that Ion Caciula, a teacher at Vasile Coroban High School in Glodeni, gives his students. He has been teaching ”Education for Society” and ”Romanian and World History” for ten years and is one of the teachers who actively participate in the YouCreate program. He is convinced that getting involved in non-formal activities is the key to the sustainable development of young people.

Non-formal activities largely meet student needs

Ion Caciula believes that involving students in various projects and non-formal activities changes the vision of the classical lesson that "meets the needs of students less and less today". The teacher also says that he sees a good combination of main subject teaching and board games during the lesson, which helps improve communication between students. "It is essential that the School and Youth centers develop active cooperation, providing endless opportunities for the youth to grow. Young people become freer and more creative and show initiative by implementing projects that meet their needs. Thus, classes aim at meeting the needs of each student, giving them the maximum opportunity to use their skills, while keeping up with everyone's tempo”, Ion Caciula says.

Referring to education, the teacher from Glodeni says that long-term investment and sustainable development should be among its underlying goals. An educational framework needs to be created that will prepare students not only for immediate success but also for becoming responsible and aware adults capable of coping with changes in society. To achieve these goals, the student should be taught as well as involved. "Getting involved is a way for people to realize that everything they have heard, seen, or learned is of real use to them. Participation in various civic activities enhances the belief that everyone is important and that his or her opinion matters, and when people feel valued and involved they understand the true value of learning, progress, and motivation to do good for others. In fact, through these actions, they help themselves", reiterates the teacher.

YouCreate — a project designed to develop civic involvement and social responsibility skills in young people 

Ion Caciula is one of the teachers who actively participate in the YouCreate project that aims to involve young people in identifying community problems and finding creative solutions for these problems. In 2021, following a consultation process and having involved local public authorities and managers of several institutions, Youth Center students decided to create a mural (a painting technique often used in decorative and architectural art, consisting of making paintings directly on the walls or ceilings of buildings). The street art piece, suggestively entitled "We are the future", was painted on the inner wall of Glodeni city stadium, giving it "a new aesthetic look". The following year, in 2022, the work was completed and the visual message gained more depth."This process has provided young people with the perfect space to express their cultural competencies in a natural way, through which the civic spirit and responsibility develop authentically and consciously", says the teacher.

In the autumn of 2023, representatives of Glodeni Youth Center decided to renovate and reequip the youth space that became more attractive for young people, offering them an efficient environment for their non-formal activities.  

Non-formal education helps students discover their inner strength and talents 

Speaking about non-formal education and its relevance, the Glodeni teacher considers that the significant opportunities that young people enjoy by participating in various projects, training, and other activities derive from their access to a wide range of resources. He believes that young people just need to choose the resources they need and explore them. "Their experience is like a game or an adventure in which every individual is an essential part of the team, capitalizing on their contribution", the teacher says. He also mentions another important aspect promoted by non-formal education, namely that there is no competition between participants. "No one is better or worse than others. There is a space and equal conditions for everyone, so to succeed you just have to try, apply your skills, and see what you can do, what you are interested in, and in what area you could or would like to develop", points out Ion Caciula. 

Change starts with me

Ion Caciula believes that change in the community is only possible through personal involvement. Whether it be art initiatives, social projects, or community activities, a personal contribution can bring inestimable value. Individual involvement not only brings tangible benefits to the community but also develops a sense of belonging and responsibility to the place we live in. A community in which every individual actively contributes becomes much more resilient, empathetic, and supportive. "When I know that I can change things, that my opinion matters, and that I have a voice, this confidence becomes a force that I can convey to those around me. We should not wait for change from others. We must be our leaders because it is the only way that we can help build a better tomorrow than today", Ion Caciula concludes.

The YouCreate program has been implemented by Terre des hommes - Moldova since 2018 and is financially supported by the Joint Fund for Youth Empowerment and the Development of Youth centers in the Republic of Moldova, supported by the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova, the National Agency for Youth, the Government of Switzerland (Swiss Cooperation in Moldova), and UNFPA Moldova.