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"How well do the old people live in Moldova?" - second Demographic Barometer was launched

"How well do the old people live in Moldova?" - second Demographic Barometer was launched

Press Release

"How well do the old people live in Moldova?" - second Demographic Barometer was launched

calendar_today 01 October 2015

Old person from Moldova
Old person from Moldova. Photo: (c) UNFPA Moldova

Chisinau – On the occasion of the International Day of Older Persons, the Demographic Research Centre, in partnership with UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund in Moldova, launched the second Demographic Barometer focused on the quality of life of elderly in Moldova.

Presenting the results of the analysis, Olga Gagauz, head of the Demographic Research Centre, said that during 2010-2014 the number of pensioners in Moldova has increased from 460.5 to 507.5 thousands (+10.2%). The average pension payments were raised from 836.6 Moldovan lei in 2010 to 1114.7 Moldovan lei in 2014 (+ 33.2%). The analysis shows that in the structure of consumer spending of old people prevail the spending for food (48.8%), for the house maintenance and public utility services (26.5%), and spending for health (9.3%). "Despite the raise of the pension payments, they are still not covering basic needs of the elderly. The minimum pension payment of 1343.7 Moldovan lei is covering only 83% of the basic needs of the pensioners", said Olga Gagauz.

The study results also show limited access of elderly households to public utility services, especially in rural areas. Only 25% of households are equipped with autonomous central heating and only 50% of households have access to sewage system.

According to the Global Research on the Quality of Life of the Elderly - Global AgeWatch Index, Moldova is one of the last countries in the rating of the European countries (77) being surpassed by Romania (41), Belarus (64) and Russia (65). However, Moldova occupies a higher position compared to Ukraine (73). The value of Quality of Life Index for our country is 35.1 out of 100, which indicates a low quality of life of elderly.

Aliona Cretu, Head of Department, Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family, presented several initiatives that the Government is undertaking in the context of improving the quality of life of the elderly, including the implementation of the Program of Mainstreaming Aging in Public Policies (2014).

Meanwhile, Tatiana Zatîc, Head of Department, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova, stressed the importance of promoting quality health services and healthy lifestyle at any stage of life, which will ensure active aging. "These goals can only be achieved through intersectorial activities," said Tatiana Zatîc.

UNFPA Moldova Deputy Representative a.i. Natalia Cojohari underlined that investment in human development and quality of life must be a priority for any country. "UNFPA will continue to support the Government of the Republic of Moldova to cope with the existing demographic dynamics by sharing best practices of other countries that are having similar experiences and through the support of active aging. Relevant investments in the system of social security, in healthcare system, in keeping the elderly in the labour market and their social inclusion are key factors for increasing the quality of life of the elderly", said Natalia Cojohari.

The Demographic Barometer contains a set of recommendations related to the improving of the quality of life of older people in Moldova. Due to increasing number of elderly in Moldova, social policies must take into account the specifics of this group of population, social assistance has to be more differentiated based on the actual needs of the elderly, but also the capacity of the national social protection system.

International experience shows that improvement of the quality of life of older people is caused not only by the economic growth. Extending the period of employment into the labour field is another instrument that has positive effect on the financial situation of pensioners, but also contributes to active aging. The implementation, by the Moldovan Government, of the first in the region Roadmap on Ageing and of the Program Mainstreaming Ageing into the Public Policies (2014) will also contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of elderly and will create conditions for active aging in Moldova.

The number of older people is raising not only in Moldova. At the global level, the elderly represent 12% of population and it will continue to grow in the coming years. In this context, this demographic trend will stimulate governments, civil society and private sector to help create an inclusive society for all ages.

"The quality of life of elderly" is the second in the series of Demographic Barometers which were launched by the Demographic Research Centre in partnership with UNFPA in 2015. The Barometers assess the demographic situation in the areas related to population dynamics, elderly and youth, and offer policy recommendations focused on human development.

Information note: The United Nations Organisation assigned the 1st of October as the International Day of Older Personsin 1991. The UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 46/91 "United Nations Principles for elderly" later that year. Those principles enshrine the right of elderly to the living conditions and medical care, freedom of deciding on personal and professional life, the right to express themselves and to participate in social activities after retirement and access to age-appropriate learning opportunities.