"Learning has no age limit" was the message that resonated at the first graduation ceremony of the University of the Third Age (U3A) in the Republic of Moldova on July 12. The 57 senior students, aged 60 and above, who attended U3A courses, received their diplomas accompanied by family and friends.
The University for the Third Age is a pilot program launched by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), in partnership with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the Ministry of Education and Research, the State University of Moldova, and the Moldcell Foundation, with financial support from the Czech Development Agency.
"People learn throughout their lives. At any age, they need knowledge, including how to overcome certain life situations. This year, we managed to offer seniors study programs related to the use of modern technologies, communication, and well-being. We were pleased with the large number of requests and we are convinced that the citizens of the Republic of Moldova want to learn," said Otilia Dandara, Vice-Rector of the State University of Moldova, the host institution of the University of the Third Age.
According to the "Generations and Gender" (GGS) Study, the proportion of people aged 55-74 in Moldova involved in lifelong learning activities is only 2%, below the EU average (4.5%). The development of U3A is part of the objectives of the National Program for Active and Healthy Aging 2023-2027, implemented by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, in partnership with UNFPA.
"This initiative highlights the high potential of the elderly in relation to continuous learning, thus contributing continuously to the development of society. We encourage all seniors to become active, participate in training and personal development programs, put the acquired skills into practice, and, of course, encourage their peers to become active members of their communities. There are still many challenges in Moldova, but such examples motivate us to keep moving forward," said Alexei Buzu, Minister of Labor and Social Protection.

Present at the ceremony, Natalia Plugaru, Deputy Representative of UNFPA Moldova, congratulated all participants and reiterated UNFPA's commitment to supporting active and healthy aging programs: "Our goal is to bring good practices to the Republic of Moldova, which we have done by adopting this practice as a beautiful example from the Czech Republic. I thank the Czech government for the experience and for all the support. We are glad that we managed to expand this project. Thus, starting in September, the program will be replicated at universities in Bălți and Cahul."

In the academic year 2023-2024, over the course of two semesters, senior students attended courses such as "Developing Digital Skills" and "Well-being and Intergenerational Communication," taught in both Romanian and Russian.
"Only through intergenerational communication do we have the chance to develop a beautiful society and aspire to the great family of the European Union. When society is in constant change, when technologies develop exponentially, there is no place without lifelong learning, without developing new skills. We will continue to develop professional and personal development training programs for adults and expand the educational offer in various dimensions," stated Galina Rusu, State Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Research.

As part of the project, all senior students received high-performance phones connected to the internet, provided by the Moldcell Foundation, to facilitate the learning process and connection with the necessary educational and digital resources.
"The Moldcell Foundation supports active aging and the digitalization of the elderly and is a faithful partner of this unique project. Today's event is a common celebration. Thanks to the effort, perseverance, and energy of the first U3A class, this pilot project has been transformed into a real one that not only continues but also expands," said Irina Strajescu, Executive Director of the Moldcell Foundation.

Among the graduates present at the ceremony was Elena Pocriciuc, aged 68. Previously, she worked as an expert-evaluator at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. When she found out from TV about the launch of such an initiative, she immediately prepared her file and went to apply to return to the university benches:
"Older people have enormous potential that needs to be harnessed. This university allowed us to learn essential elements for life, which we will use in any situation and which will help us overcome any challenge. Until I was notified that I had been selected, I called the organizers several times, eagerly awaiting this new beginning. Every Thursday was special; I arrived an hour earlier and waited in the hall for our mentor, Tatiana Turchină, to open the door for us. We thank the organizers for this project and hope it will be expanded soon so we can continue to learn."

Today, a graduation diploma was also awarded to Mihail Rotar, aged 78, who dedicated his entire life to medicine. He currently volunteers at the Chernobyl Union of Moldova. He believes that everyone should learn, which is why his wife will also enroll when the new course is launched:
"When I submitted my application, about 200 applications had already been registered. I hoped to be selected and waited eagerly. These courses allowed me to learn how to communicate with other people, with new generations, and how to behave in various situations. I learned how to use different functions of the mobile phone, I made friendships here, and I gained new experiences. After the curriculum offer is expanded, I will definitely participate again."

The U3A pilot program was implemented from October 2023 to June 2024. Recently, UNFPA Moldova signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with "Bogdan Petriceicu-Hasdeu" State University in Cahul and "Alecu Russo" State University in Bălți regarding the expansion of the "University of the Third Age" initiative.