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Past Events

11 October 2018 - 11 October 2018


International Day of the Girl Child

In 2011, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution adopting 11 October as the International Day of the Girl Child, recognizing girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world.


26 September 2018 - 26 September 2018


World Contraception Day

World Contraception Day takes place on September 26th every year. The annual worldwide campaign centers around a vision where every pregnancy is wanted. Launched in 2007, WCD’s mission is to improve awareness of contraception and to enable young people to make informed choices on their sexual and reproductive health.


20 September 2018 - 20 September 2018

Chișinău, Parlamentul Republicii Moldova, sala 114

Consultare națională ICPD@25: Dinamica Populației și Dezvoltarea Durabilă

Comisia ONU pentru Populație și Dezvoltare va celebra în Aprilie 2019, 25 de ani de la Aprobarea Planului de Acțiuni a Conferinței Internaționale pent

