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Peste un sfert din vârstnicii din Moldova (28,6%) s-au confruntat cu violență și abuz. Doar 20% din cazurile de violenţă sunt raportate. Video conține acestea și alte datele din cadrul studiului: “Tăcerea nu este o soluție: Abuzul asupra vârstnicilor în Republica Moldova”, realizat de către Centrul de Cercetări Demografice și HelpAge International Moldova, cu suportul UNFPA Moldova.


Over a quarter of the elderly in Moldova were faced with violence and abuse. Only 20% of cases of violence are reported. Video contains data from the study: "Silence is not an answer: Abuse and violence against elderly in Moldova", conducted by the Center for Demographic Research and HelpAge International Moldova with the support of UNFPA Moldova.


Acestea sunt visele Ionelei (19 ani), Alexandrinei (16 ani) și Aminei (14 ani). 


These are the stories of three girls - Ionela (19), Alexandrina (16)  and Amina (14) and their biggest dreams. 


Cervical cancer can be prevented. However, in Moldova, 3 women die every week from this disease. Because it is a form of cancer whose symptoms manifest themselves at a later stage, but also because it develops slowly, all women between the age of 25 and 61 should perform a cervical screening once in every three years.


How do the people living in Moldova explain the decrease in the number of country's population?




How do people in Moldova decide to have children?




How well are people prepared to age in Moldova?




First meeting of the IAPPD - Moldova 21-22 April 2016

